Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Kemp's Ridely Sea Turtles

While there are many different species of sea turtles in the Carribbean, I figured I talk about the Kemp's Ridley. Kemp's Ridely's are not only the smallest of all sea turtles but they are also the most endangered. The reason for this is because they only nest on specific beaches in Mexico. Those beaches are being populated by humans. When they are born, hatchlings need to get themselves into the water straight away or else they won't make it. To find the water, they use the moon light to guide them. However, human development has added street lights to the mix and the hatchlings can get confused.
Turtles are a cold blooded species. Like most reptiles they grow according to how much they eat. Their diets are primarly vegetarian so there is plenty of food for them. During the summers they migrate up North as far as New England. The main problem with that is when it gets cold and they start their trip South, some get caught in the arm of Cape Cod. If they don't get out before the water temperatures drop they come down with what is called cold stunning. Cold Stunning is when they can't move their limbs and they come down with hypotherma and frost bite. Since they can't swim they wash up on the shore where volunteers for local aquariums rescue them and tehy are rehabilitated. The New England Aquarium in Boston has a large turtle rescue recovery program during the winter.

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