Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Intro to the Tropical Ecosystem

The waters of the Caribbean hold some of the most interesting places to dive. Besides the warmth of the water, there are plenty of coral reefs and ship wreck to explore. What you'll find at those dive spots are hundreds of different species of marine life.
Coral Reefs are found in over 100 countries and cover about 109,800 sq miles. That is less than .01% of the ocean's floor. However, they are one of the most productive ecosystems in the world. I could go into the science behind the reason for this great biodiversity, however this blog is about diving. 
 My posts will be about the kind of animals you will see and the background on them. Everything on a coral reef has its place. You have the best chance of finding bony fish, cartilaginous fish, crustaceans, cephalopods, reptiles, and mammals. There are plenty of other groups, but these tend to be the more interesting creatures. I could spend time talking about porifera (sponges) and echinoderms (sea stars, urchins, sea cucumbers, sea biscuits) but for the amount of time I have, I'm going to focus on the other groups.

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