Monday, April 11, 2011

Cownose Rays

Like sharks, cownose rays are cartilaginous fish. Cownose rays are named after the indent in their face which resembles a cow's nose. A smaller species of ray, their wing span can grow up to 45 inches. Cownose rays have a certain type of camouflage where their underbellies are white and their backs are a dark tan. Thus, if a predator was looking from above, they would blend in with the sand and ocean, but if the predator was below them they would blend in with the sun.

Rays have the bad reputation of being related to the death of Steve Erwin. Although they do have a barb at the end of their tail, rays are rarely poisonous. Their venom is as weak as a bee sting. Steve Erwin just happened ot have been stung in the heart. 

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